Its scientific name, “Cinnamomum glaucescens.”


SKU: KNO-NEO-025 Category:

Sugandh Kokila oil with distinctive scent is a clear mobile yellow liquid obtained from the distillation of Cinnamomum glaucescens berries. The oil has a sweet and spicy aroma and good tenacity. It is a natural tonic for brain and digestive system as well. Sugandh Kokila Oil is known for its thin consistency.

Botanical Name: Cinnamomum cecidodaphne

Blends with:  Does not blend with other essential oils

Extraction Method: Through Steam Distillation ofLuvunga Scan dens

Constituents:   Eucalyptol and β-phellandrene


  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Enhance metabolism process
  • Relieves stress
  • Anti-inflammation
  • Numerous therapeutic properties
  • Natural analgesic
  • Used in aromatherapy
  • Antiseptic and relaxant
  • Antimicrobialagent
  • Astringent
  • Carminative, etc.
Weight 0.25 kg


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