Botanical Name: Aniba Rosaeodora, Palmarosa, Lemon, Sweet Thyme, Grapefruit, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Gardenia, Lilac, Immortelle and many more

Extraction Method: Steam Distillation


SKU: KNO-HYD-085 Category:

Referred as versatile oil, Rosewood Hydrosol is high in demand because of its sweet aroma and this is the reason behind its usage in aromatherapy. The pale yellow liquid with thin consistency helps in relieving stress and pain to a great extent.

Constituent: a-Terpineol, Linalool,    1,8-Cineole,  (Z)-Linalool Oxide, etc.


  • Treatment of Bronchial Infection
  • Helps in curing Cough and Headache
  • Convalescence
  • Remove Acne
  • Anti-Anxiety agent
  • Helpful in the treatment of Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Beneficial in Scarring and Insect Bites treatment
  • Anti-depression agent
  • Burn Stress and many more.
Weight 0.25 kg


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