Botanical Name: Achillea  Millefolium

Extraction Method: Steam distillation


SKU: KNO-HYD-101 Category:

Pure Yarrow oil hydrosol is a sweet-scented distiller that generates hydrosols. It is obtained by the yarrow plant. It has a distinctive aroma when compared to various other sprays. This hydrosol appears to be more herbal than floral to that of certain essential oils.

Blends with: Valerian essential oils, oakmoss oil, vetiver oil, Ylang-Ylang oil, German Chamomile, Calendula oil, and Cedar oil

Constituents: Tricyclene, a-pinene, camphene, sabinene, borneal acetate, 1, 8-cineole, y-terpinene, limonene, borneol


  • It is primarily used as an inflammatory stop bleeding
  • It has got remarkable antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
  • Yarrow hydrosol is often used for skincare, as a facial toner, in body care products
Weight 0.25 kg


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