Botanical name: Cinnamomumcamphora

Extraction method: The steam distillation method


SKU: KNO-HYD-043 Category:

This hydrosol is steam distilled from the rich, green leaves from the evergreen trees growing wild in the forests of India.  The aroma of this hydrosol is mildly camphoraceous reminiscent of Eucalyptus with a touch of cinnamon spiciness.

Blends with: Palmarosa, Neroli, Rosemary, Cypress, Juniper, Lavender, Jasmine, Rosewood, and Ylang-ylang.

Constituents: Linalool, Geraniol, Limonene, Citral and Pinene


  • It helps to treat flu, chills, colds, and coughs.
  • It lowers pains and headaches.

It is used to treat cellulite, eczema, wrinkles, scars, and other skin problems

Weight 0.25 kg


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