Botanical name: Pimenta officinalis

Extraction method: Steam Distillation


SKU: KNO-HYD-002 Category:

The all spice tress is native to the West Indies and South America. It is mostly cultivated in Jamaica and Cuba. The all spice oil is distilled from imported berries in Europe and the USA.

All spice hydrosol has a stock of aroma of all the spices. It is a blend of all the spices which is in the form of a plant also cultivated in India. The nature of this plant is very warm and it is beneficial for the human body as it calms the body and mind and reduces stress and anxiety. It also helps in improving blood circulation, treats varicose veins, boosts immunity, and provides a feeling of well-being.

Blends with:  Geranium, Lavender, neroli, patchouli, and yang yang.

Constituents:  Eugenol, B-Caryophyllene, a-Caryophyllene, Methyleugenol, Gamma-Cadinenel, Caryophyllene.


  • It is helpful in reducing pain and can be used internally for digestive issues.
  • It is also used as a flavoring agent in the food and beverage industry.
  • It is used in soaps, perfumes, and other personal care products due to its fragrant qualities.
  • It is extensively used in the kitchen as it contains the aroma of all the spices like cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg with a hint of pepper.
Weight 0.25 kg


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